Ladder tournament EinStein würfelt nicht! - Backwards capture

Tournament Table
Order Player Challenge Defense Last games
1. Martyn Hamer 1990.5 Diamante Nagy Fathy won with Carroll won with Diamante won with jytou ★ won with OhmsLaw won with Diamante
2. Nagy Fathy 1771.1 Martyn Hamer Bernhard Herwig ★ Carroll won with Diamante lost with Matteo A. won with Omo321 ★ won with Marius Halsor won with carsten
3. Diamante 1848.8 Martyn Hamer Matteo A. lost with Nagy Fathy lost with Martyn Hamer won with marcmandy won with Carroll lost with Martyn Hamer
4. Carroll 1861.8 Nagy Fathy marcmandy Masahito lost with Martyn Hamer won with Bernhard Herwig ★ won with Nagy Fathy lost with Diamante won with Nagy Fathy
5. marcmandy 1685.1 Carroll sembazuru won with Omo321 ★ won with Matteo A. lost with Diamante won with Omo321 ★ won with passenger
6. Matteo A. 1823.5 Diamante Omo321 ★ won with Nagy Fathy won with fulai won with carsten lost with marcmandy won with Wolfpack
7. sembazuru 1171.7 marcmandy won with Masahito lost with carsten lost with Masahito lost with ypercube won with YSC
8. Masahito 1634.7 Carroll carsten lost with sembazuru won with Omo321 ★ won with Olivia0101 won with passenger won with fulai
9. Omo321 ★ 1783.6 Matteo A. lost with marcmandy lost with Masahito lost with Nagy Fathy lost with marcmandy won with Nagy Fathy
10. Bernhard Herwig ★ 1823.3 Nagy Fathy Wolfpack Marius Halsor lost with Carroll won with ypercube won with carsten lost with Nagy Fathy lost with Diamante
11. carsten 1495.8 Masahito fulai lost with Matteo A. won with ypercube won with gamestalker lost with Nagy Fathy won with ypercube
12. Wolfpack 1711.5 Bernhard Herwig ★ ypercube won with gamestalker won with ypercube lost with Matteo A. won with fulai won with passenger
13. fulai 1597.8 carsten jytou ★ gamestalker lost with Matteo A. lost with Wolfpack won with Marius Halsor won with passenger won with OhmsLaw
14. Marius Halsor 1745.7 Bernhard Herwig ★ won with M3dusa619 lost with Nagy Fathy won with OhmsLaw lost with fulai won with ypercube
15. ypercube 1433.9 Wolfpack lost with carsten lost with Wolfpack won with OhmsLaw lost with carsten lost with Bernhard Herwig ★
16. gamestalker 1504.3 fulai lost with Wolfpack won with OhmsLaw lost with carsten lost with Diamante lost with Matteo A.
17. jytou ★ 1642.2 fulai won with M3dusa619 lost with Martyn Hamer won with passenger won with ypercube won with passenger
  • Max 1 challenge
  • Max 2 defense
  • Play with the same player after 14 days
  • Challenge up to CEIL(SQRT(order))
  • If challenger won game, overtake his opponent.