Ladder tournament Hex - Size 15

Tournament Table
Order Player Challenge Defense Last games
1. Daniel Sepczuk 1976.8 won with sya11 won with Warren Bei lost with hexanna won with Paul won with bootscity
2. Warren Bei 1748.5 HappyHippo Paul won with bootscity lost with Daniel Sepczuk lost with hexanna won with Nagy Fathy won with tucheg
3. Paul 1623.0 Warren Bei sya11 won with bootscity won with Aikczech lost with Daniel Sepczuk won with bootscity won with Greck
4. bootscity 1711.7 lost with Paul lost with Warren Bei won with f4810 lost with Paul lost with Daniel Sepczuk
5. sya11 1645.3 Paul realefab f4810 lost with Daniel Sepczuk lost with bootscity lost with hexanna lost with Warren Bei lost with Daniel Sepczuk
6. HappyHippo 1744.6 Warren Bei Nagy Fathy Nathan F Miller ★ won with tucheg lost with Daniel Sepczuk won with Nagy Fathy won with Aikczech won with Warren Bei
7. f4810 1607.7 sya11 won with tucheg lost with bootscity won with realefab won with ladderfix2 won with ladderfix5
8. realefab 1697.6 sya11 emilybunny tucheg won with ladderfix5 won with Aikczech lost with f4810 won with Nagy Fathy lost with bootscity
9. Nagy Fathy 1545.2 HappyHippo gi0cam won with ladderfix5 won with Aikczech lost with Warren Bei lost with realefab lost with HappyHippo
10. Nathan F Miller ★ 1612.9 HappyHippo Chatt_Nooga Aikczech won with tucheg won with ladderfix5 won with ladderfix2 won with ypercube won with ladderfix5
11. tucheg 1415.5 realefab ypercube won with Aikczech lost with Nathan F Miller ★ lost with f4810 won with ladderfix5 lost with HappyHippo
12. emilybunny 1590.3 realefab won with tiyusufaly won with Aikczech won with ladderfix5 lost with Paul lost with tucheg
13. ladderfix5 1227.1 lost with realefab lost with tucheg lost with Nagy Fathy won with Aikczech won with ladderfix4
14. ypercube 1523.3 tucheg Greck won with Aikczech won with ladderfix2 lost with gi0cam won with ladderfix2 lost with Nathan F Miller ★
15. Aikczech 1374.5 Nathan F Miller ★ tiyusufaly won with ladderfix2 lost with ypercube lost with tucheg lost with realefab lost with ladderfix5
16. gi0cam 1632.4 Nagy Fathy jytou ★ Kata Idm won with ladderfix2 lost with Kalabas won with ypercube lost with bootscity won with AyumiYoshida
17. jytou ★ 1544.9 gi0cam Kata Ayx won with ladderfix4 won with ladderfix2 won with tiyusufaly won with ladderfix4 won with ladderfix4
18. tiyusufaly 1374.8 Aikczech lost with Wrestling 5 lost with jytou ★ lost with emilybunny won with ladderfix2 won with ladderfix4
19. Chatt_Nooga 1526.7 Nathan F Miller ★ sai17 Leszek13 won with ladderfix4 won with ladderfix2
20. Kata Idm 1454.4 gi0cam won with ladderfix4 won with ladderfix2
21. Kata Ayx 1414.3 jytou ★ won with ladderfix4 won with ladderfix2
22. ladderfix2 1342.5 won with ladderfix4 lost with Aikczech lost with Kata Ayx lost with Kata Idm lost with gi0cam
23. Greck 1483.2 ypercube Kata Mecha won with ladderfix4 won with Wrestling 5 lost with Kalabas won with ladderfix4 lost with Paul
24. ladderfix4 1295.9 lost with Greck lost with ladderfix2 lost with Kata Ayx lost with Kata Idm lost with jytou ★
25. sai17 1598.9 Chatt_Nooga won with ladderfix2 won with gi0cam won with ladderfix5 lost with emilybunny won with ladderfix2
26. Leszek13 1500.0 Chatt_Nooga
27. Kata Mecha 1414.8 Greck
  • Max 1 challenge
  • Max 2 defense
  • Play with the same player after 14 days
  • Challenge up to CEIL(SQRT(order))
  • If challenger won game, overtake his opponent.