Ladder tournament DVONN - DVONN

Tournament Table
Order Player Challenge Defense Last games
1. XanderN 2124.6 ivyed_seer ★ won with sembazuru won with Bagoly won with OpenRev won with MobyNostromo won with sembazuru
2. Bagoly 2067.8 OpenRev lost with XanderN won with sembazuru won with MobyNostromo won with XanderN won with omike
3. OpenRev 1924.2 Bagoly MobyNostromo sembazuru lost with XanderN won with sembazuru won with CALVOROTI lost with colonelmoutarde won with Bagoly
4. ivyed_seer ★ 1601.1 XanderN Dark Star won with siroman won with sembazuru won with Cassiel won with per gioco ★ won with Haymire
5. sembazuru 1434.4 OpenRev lost with XanderN lost with ivyed_seer ★ lost with Bagoly lost with OpenRev lost with XanderN
6. MobyNostromo 1769.6 OpenRev colonelmoutarde Cassiel lost with XanderN lost with Bagoly won with CALVOROTI lost with steinkauz7 lost with sembazuru
7. colonelmoutarde 1980.1 MobyNostromo Haymire won with ze1089 won with Dark Star won with OpenRev won with Haymire won with CupOSlaw
8. Cassiel 1556.9 MobyNostromo CALVOROTI ze1089 lost with ivyed_seer ★ won with Dark Star won with CupOSlaw lost with sembazuru lost with OpenRev
9. Dark Star 1691.2 ivyed_seer ★ lost with colonelmoutarde won with CupOSlaw draw with sembazuru lost with Cassiel won with Haymire
10. Haymire 1475.3 colonelmoutarde won with ze1089 won with per gioco ★ lost with colonelmoutarde lost with Dark Star won with jytou ★
11. ze1089 1484.8 Cassiel hoodie lost with Haymire lost with colonelmoutarde won with CALVOROTI won with OhmsLaw won with Haymire
12. CALVOROTI 1737.8 Cassiel CupOSlaw pjmontalvos lost with OpenRev won with jytou ★ lost with ze1089 lost with MobyNostromo lost with XanderN
13. CupOSlaw 1564.4 CALVOROTI jytou ★ siroman won with Xavier Jimenez lost with Dark Star won with per gioco ★ lost with colonelmoutarde lost with Cassiel
14. pjmontalvos 1460.4 CALVOROTI won with jytou ★ won with hoodie won with OhmsLaw lost with siroman lost with roborally
15. jytou ★ 1546.3 CupOSlaw per gioco ★ lost with pjmontalvos lost with CALVOROTI lost with Haymire won with OhmsLaw lost with CupOSlaw
16. per gioco ★ 1440.3 jytou ★ lost with Haymire lost with CupOSlaw lost with Xavier Jimenez lost with ivyed_seer ★ lost with colonelmoutarde
17. hoodie 1353.2 ze1089 lost with pjmontalvos
18. siroman 1357.6 CupOSlaw lost with ivyed_seer ★ lost with sembazuru lost with ib90 lost with per gioco ★ lost with fcolas
  • Max 1 challenge
  • Max 2 defense
  • Play with the same player after 14 days
  • Challenge up to CEIL(SQRT(order))
  • If challenger won game, overtake his opponent.