Fair Play (Polish style) 4ir forum

7 replies. Last post: 2004-05-04

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Fair Play (Polish style)
  • ebm at 2004-05-03

    Just a few questions for Tomek (pedro)

    Who is milosz.?

    Why he/she resign a won game to you? Game The game took only 12 minutes.

    Why he/she resign a won game to you? Game The game took only 52 minutes.

    Why he/she give you a victory in many other games? Game, Game, Game

    Who is WeTTeX?

    Why he/she resign a won game to you? Game The game took only 22 minutes.

    Why he/she give you a victory in other games? Game

    Very “interesting” are also games with other Polish players (such as .#321;ukasz, p_a_k_o, wecio, etrusek (hardly from U.S.) and many others). Look at their registration time and games between themselves (such as , , …)

    Is it only a chance or “great” Polish team work?

    In conclusion, I'd like to point out this post from Tomek (pedro).

  • ebm at 2004-05-03

    links to games were missing

    (such as Game 1, Game 2, Game 3…)

  • xyzoo at 2004-05-03

    They should be immediately banned from this site.

    There are, howewer, many decent Polish players here, so I find the title a little bit too aggressive. You should not blame players because they are Poles.

  • dzarol at 2004-05-03

    yes, I agree with xyzoo, please do not blame for cheating all Polish players because most of them are fair-play players(hex at least).I know the behaviour of this guys is scandalous for you,but please again do not look in this way for all players from Poland.


  • hiiintaro at 2004-05-04

    nie moge- ile nickow. pedro kazdy na kurniku wie o twoich kompleksach ktore leczysz ukladaniem kuleczek w rzedzie. ale mogles sobie juz darowac te txty jaki to dobry jestes bo wiadome tez jest, ze umiesz tylko nabijac. stary to juz jest zalosne… mam nadzieje, ze szybko dostaniesz ip ban… i przestaniesz NAS hanbic. daj polske reprezentowac polakom a nie lamerom.

  • klaashaas at 2004-05-04


  • na_wspak at 2004-05-04

    ip ban…

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