whats wrong with connect6 ? :) Gomoku, Connect6

8 replies. Last post: 2006-12-29

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whats wrong with connect6 ? :)
  • Stanley Kozera at 2006-11-19

    haha !

    I guess you guys have a half of Taiwan population playing connect6 ;)

    I checked out the list and only Taiwan and China ;)

    GO WEST ! :)

  • euhuang at 2006-11-19

    There is nothing wrong with many Taiwanese / Chinese playing C6 games. :)Currently a lot of skillful players are from “West” (Russian, Czech, etc.) I do hope C6 become a truly internationally popular game in the future and certainly welcome more players from both western and eastern (e.g. Japan/Korea) countries joining the C6 game. That will be fun.

  • zhangying at 2006-11-20

    There are 25 players come from Taiwan?China and Macau among the top 40,but also 9-10 Russians;especially half of top 10 are Russians; so west and east just play well either.

    For fast game in limited time, ur guys may go to www.cycgame.com to have fun which is diffrent to LG,fellow ondik and andrey.

  • ondik at 2006-11-20

    only Thaiwan, China and Russia ;-) that's right, and i think it's normal - the game comes from TW, in China there is more players of board games than in whole Europe (i heard this, I apologize if i'm wrong :P), and Russia… just look at gomoku top 10 :-)

    But yes, there are players from other countries as well, we shouldn't forget about our Nauru king Marsh ;-)

  • jurjen at 2006-11-24

    really interesting, that russia is called 'west' from your point of view. i never looked at it that way.

  • Infinity at 2006-11-28

    As for www.cycgame.com

    I was there, and registered (a little problem - only chinese language)

    But, i don't find in the room any players of C6 - only robots (PC programme play with me). Could U help me? May be I do something wrong

  • p2 at 2006-11-29

    C6 is still a relatively obscure game at cycgame, but you'll be able to meet a handful (sometimes dozens) of players there on weekends.

  • pedropajarito at 2006-12-29

    you can also try at:


    nice for a quick game. does other games also.

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