10 years of Twixt Commentator TWIXT PP

5 replies. Last post: 2017-08-14

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10 years of Twixt Commentator
  • Alan Hensel at 2017-08-12

    It's a little hard for me to believe, but Twixt Commentator is 10 years old!

    I'm actually a couple months late in realizing this. Happy belated birthday, Twixt Commentator!

    That means I wrote it when I was 39. And I thought I was OLD back then. Silly young whipper-snapper!

    Some stats:

    In those 10 years (actually, 3697 days), there have been 1522 comments on 386 games. That is an average of 3.9 comments per commented game. There has been an average of 2.9 comments per week.

    About 60 different people have commented (trying to take into account those who have used more than 1 login. That is probably my fault for not providing a forgotten password mechanism).

    Only 10.2% of the comments happened on a Monday, the least popular day of the week to comment. 16.9% were on a Sunday, 16.2% on a Saturday, the 2 most popular days of the week to comment.

    Here's to the next 10!

  • Letstry_Laurent at 2017-08-12

    Thanks Allan for this very useful tool and game analysis resource !

  • Florian Jamain at 2017-08-12

    +1 !!!

  • David J Bush ★ at 2017-08-13

    I'm very grateful for all the work you have done pertaining to Twixt on LG! Um, speaking of which, will you be updating your opening stats page any time soon? Call me an ungracious information glutton.

  • Austral at 2017-08-14

    Yes , thanks Allan !!!

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