brettspielwelt TWIXT PP

2 replies. Last post: 2004-03-24

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  • na_wspak at 2004-03-24

    sorry for my silly question but i'd like to know where i can find twixt at i was there but got lost in the system (i was in 'english town' or sth) and spent some time to find out what was going on. and when afterwards i got to games list i didnt find twixt there…:\|

  • David J Bush ★ at 2004-03-24

    There is no Twixt at BSW. I mentioned in another thread that there might be Twixt there soon. It didn't happen. If you can find the BSW English bulletin board, in the thread “who else likes Twixt?” Boomer posted:

    “You won't see twixt on Bsw anytime soon due to legal restrictions on the use of the game.”

    However, Twixt is available on the K2z server. They don't have the full ruleset with link removal implemented yet, but they are working on it. Players generally meet there between 2 and 6 pm EST US time, which is 8pm to midnight Central European Time. Sundays around 3pm EST/ 9 pm CET would be the best time to find players.

    The Kurnik server just might have Twixt also, some time in the future.

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