Twixt alternative online client TWIXT PP

12 replies. Last post: 2004-10-06

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Twixt alternative online client
  • technolion at 2004-01-20


    Some time before I discovered Little Golem I have been playing Twixt with Tim using my own Flash-based Twixt-Client.

    It consists of a rather simple set of server-side perl scripts on a web server and a flash gui to run at the player's web browser.

    You can check it out here:

    Use the following login data:

    Game Session: 'testgame'

    PlayerName: 'Player1' or 'Player2'

    Password: 'testgame'

    (all case-sensitive)

    When two players are logged in a game, they can play quick rounds without needing to reload their browser.

    I am thinking about rewriting the code and make it more comfortable, implementing a user management and some other modifications. Most important I will make it true Twixt as opposed to TwixtPP. At the moment its just SimpleTwixt (no taking away, no crossing ;)).

    So I would like to know, if there is interest in such a solutionm, given the fact that LG has implemented TixtPP and is also quite slow, at most of the time.

    Don't get me wrong - I don't want to draw anybody away from this great gaming community. I just thought about offering an alternative…

  • David J Bush ★ at 2004-01-20

    It's great that you have written this client, and I will have to check it out soon. But the free realtime game server BrettSpielWelt might add Twixt to its lineup soon. If they do, a server would be a more convenient place for players to meet. BSW is a German site, but they have English menus (click on the British flag) and a downloadable Java client. Lots of multiplayer games are available to play there. Dvonn, Yinsh, and Go are also there.

    Twixt is also possible between two people who have both purchased the same gaming software, but free is usually preferred over not free. Message me for details.

  • technolion at 2004-01-20

    Maybe I explained it in the wrong way. The thing I am planning is going to be a server hosting the Twixt backend. you don't need to download any client to play. Its just that you use a flash-enabled website to play instead of HTML with Javascript like on LG.

    But if that German site is also adding Twixt it might not be neccessary. Up till now I only know of LG that offers online Twixt playing…

  • David J Bush ★ at 2004-02-10

    Just a couple days ago I discovered a new realtime server for Twixt:

    It doesn't have the correct rules, but the admin there is very interested in the game, and he wants to get the rules right. We have been corresponding regarding how his site may be improved.

    But I still hope to hear from BSW…

  • Flemming Jensen at 2004-04-29

    hi all

    It's just great what you TWIXT-online guys are doing. I really appriciate it.

    I just wonder why you don't join your efforts, in a sort of none-commercial “joint-venture”. (The German “Bretspielweld” seems a bit out of range here, being somewhat more commercial, and not that user-influated.)

    It seems such a waste of time to compete.

    The K2Z and the flash based “Twixt Online” both has the potential to become THE place for online TWIXT gaming, with a tight relation-ship to a paying TWIXT comunity.

    Paying, yes. Quite a few of the LG players are paying.

    If you worked together, with help from the TWIXT community, then I think you have proven to be able to come up with something TWIXTers has looked for since many years.

    I won't jugde the different online solutions from each other.

    IMHO it seems like if the K2Z is the most mature though, with the biggest potentiality, to become a fullblown online TWIXT server.

    best regards Flemming

    PS: maybe see some of you at the K2Z server the comming Sunday, May the 2. at 8PM CET

  • technolion at 2004-04-29

    KZ2 has implemented/is going to implement everything I had planned for my client. Since I do not have too much time these days anyways I am discontinuing my efforts and try to help th KZ2 guys with testing and ideas ;)

    I think LG and KZ2 are both important since it is so much different to play time-based compared to the week-long games on LG.

  • Flemming Jensen at 2004-04-30

    hi Technolion:

    you write:

    “KZ2 has implemented/is going to implement everything I had planned for my client. Since I do not have too much time these days anyways I am discontinuing my efforts and try to help th KZ2 guys with testing and ideas ;)

    I think LG and KZ2 are both important since it is so much different to play time-based compared to the week-long games on LG.”

    I am pleased to hear this - glad the two of you keeps focus on one platform. And right you are, LG and K2Z offers two quite different TWIXT experiences. Furtermore different TWIXT skills.

    regards Flemming

    PS: it is my understanding that the K2Z source code, including protocol is open. Could speed up implementation of new features and so.

  • Philippe Van Schendel at 2004-09-09

    hi there,

    The source code is not really open. i develop and maintain the server code c++/linux and the win32 client code c++/MFC. java client code may be available ask the author.

    The client/server protocol documentation is open, i provide a html format.

    Then if anyone here is interested to develop a new client…linux/kde or Gnome or for PDA plz feel free to contact me at


    BTW: technolion, you can help me whenever you want :)

  • Philippe Van Schendel at 2004-09-09

    I would like to thank a lot 2 people:

    David Bush, who has spent a lot of time with me, telling me about features, rules, gave me links etc and… has improved my TWIXT level by beating me 60 times at least ;)


    Andy Siedler who has translated the K2Z web site in German

    in a couple of months i'll need someone to translate the K2Z win32 client in german.

  • technolion at 2004-10-04

    I would offer to translate your client to German!

    I also would be very much interested in your Bot AI. Are you willing to disclose the AI code?

  • Philippe Van Schendel at 2004-10-05

    yes sure. i already have sent the source code to xurux.

    i have ideas but short of time, so i need help ;)

    its not java based, but c++, hope you dont mind ^^

    i can email you the source tonight, the code is a bit ugly, i warn you. Tell me on which address i send it.

    There is a section or posts on the k2z forum where xurux and myself started to talk about AI…

    it was fun last evening.


  • Philippe Van Schendel at 2004-10-06

    message for xurux and technolion

    i have created a forum 'AI' on the k2z forum

    we can share ideas and code to build a better AI

    everyone with programming skills is welcome

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