Best resource for 'master'-level Hex strategies and secrets? Hex, Havannah

5 replies. Last post: 2023-08-28

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Best resource for 'master'-level Hex strategies and secrets?
  • tiyusufaly at 2023-08-26


    I've been playing Hex for over 20 years, some years more often, some years not at all. I am pretty good - on BoardGameArena, I typically rank as a 'Strong Player', not sure what the equivalent to that is for Little Golem since I am new here.

    But no matter how much I play, I can't seem to get over the hump that is necessary to reach that next tier. I feel I have reached the limits of how good I can get just by playing on my own. I need some high-level strategies, advanced guides, someone to give me the 'secrets' of the very best players.

    I know there are many resources for Hex gameplay out there, both books and web pages. But I am looking for the most advanced, high-level guides out there.

    Would any Hex 'masters' be willing to recommend particularly deep and insightful resources?

  • lazyplayer ★ at 2023-08-26

    I think best way to learn is to copy strong players. You can install katahex and learn from the best player.

  • lazyplayer ★ at 2023-08-26

    After you have learned you can teach me and Arek. :) We don't have time to learn with kata. :)

  • Arek Kulczycki at 2023-08-27

    I actually for the first time did some learning with katahex recently, in order to find a “preparation” for a 13x13 championship game vs lazyplayer :D

    @tiyusufaly I think the best way to learn any game is to play it and then discuss it. If you want to play some real-time games feel free to text me. If you're in similar timezone then maybe we can arrange an evening.

  • psikonauta at 2023-08-28

    This is a good resource:

    In my opinion, Matthew Seymour's site, which is listed in the link above, is excellent.

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