match Poland versus USA? Hex, Havannah

21 replies. Last post: 2003-11-19

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match Poland versus USA?
  • David J Bush ★ at 2003-11-17

    Loko0 has suggested to me that the top US players should play the top Polish players in a sort of round robin where each game spans the Atlantic, as it were. All unrated of course. I suspect that is what they are conspiring about in the other thread. What do my fellow Vespuccilanders think?

  • Ryan at 2003-11-18

    I think that would be fun

  • jjjklj at 2003-11-18

    that would be a neat idea, maybe we could also get norway in on the action. out of the top 15 or so players here ypercube is the only person not from usa, poland, or norway

  • michael at 2003-11-18

    If you got edit user profile it states next to country: “Country is used for tournaments of teams. You can represent your country in team tournaments in your favourite games.” I didn't see this before, so i think we can expect teamtournaments somewhere in the future…

  • jjjklj at 2003-11-18

    that's been there since i registered about a year ago, and i've never seen any tournaments like that, so i think we'd probably have to organize it ourselves

  • ypercube at 2003-11-18

    I agree that we could organize (unrated) tournaments. USA, Norway and Poland have enough (5 could be right ?) number of players. The rest (ypercube from Greece, agoui from Cyprus, John Tromp from Netherlands, Crelo from Rumania and others I don't remember this very moment) could form the RestOfEurope team. It would be fun!

    Especially if Gabor joins this team.

  • na_wspak at 2003-11-18

    so we only gotta talk about playing system and organisation of tournament. and how the match between e.g Poland and Norway will look like? is it that each Pole plays with each Norwegian? what do u think about it.

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2003-11-18

    I guess each player either plays all the 15 players who are not on their own team, or only the three with the same “national rank” as themselves, depending on what people prefer. I would prefer the former.

  • na_wspak at 2003-11-18

    i suggest there should be 4 players in each team. isnt it better

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2003-11-18

    Both Poland and Norway currently have a 4th and a 5th player fairly close to each other on the rating list. Maybe we will need playoffs then. ;)

  • na_wspak at 2003-11-18

    i've looked on the players list and i know now why u want to make 5 players team;)

  • David J Bush ★ at 2003-11-18

    Before we turn this into an international olympic event, we should make sure everyone is willing to do this. I am willing to play 15 additional Hex games, but not everyone else might be. This started out as a suggestion from Loko0 to have a Poland-US match. Do we have enough US players willing to do that? Some people might have lives outside of LG (although I can't imagine what that would be) and might be willing to play 5 games but not 15. Let's take this one step at a time, get some feedback from the participants before making further plans.

  • ypercube at 2003-11-18

    I agree with David. Someone should be the organizer of this tournament and start collecting “registrations” and then we should decide if it is 4 or 5 players and how many teams and games.

  • David J Bush ★ at 2003-11-18

    Loko0 tells me the Polish team is ready. Bill is bowing out, but Tray and Ryan are willing (or so I assume from their posts), and mirror man sounds interested but has not absolutely confirmed yet. I was hoping to convince Tim Shih to play for the US. He has not played rated games here but I assure you he is very strong, probably stronger than I am. He beat me in our 19x19 game, and he took a 13x13 off me also.

    If all the Polish and US players are willing, we could add Norway and “Rest of Europe.” So I guess the next step is to find out if we are all willing to let the other teams in. What does Poland say?

  • jjjklj at 2003-11-18

    yes, Tim Shih is would be a good competitor, I think he's about to take one off me also :)

  • Tim Shih ★ at 2003-11-18

    hi, yes, I am ready as much as I can possibly be, even though Tray and na_wspak have beaten me left and right.

    Good night or good day, depending where you are. :)

  • dj at 2003-11-18

    Lets begin a new Policy.

    Since Norway, Poland. Britain, Franch, Germany and a few others are all part of the new EU, all players from countries in the EU would play under a EU banner. Is there a flag for the EU ?

    The alternative would be for folks like me to play under the California flag. As a Caleefornian I feel about as in tune with what the USA is about as Arnold is in tune with Australia.

    This policy will be common in about 10 years I think, lets kick the notion into gear and start now, or real soon.

  • na_wspak at 2003-11-19

    dj: Poland would need act under own flag as we're not in EU yet;). and there is EU flag here

  • na_wspak at 2003-11-19

    oops it here

  • na_wspak at 2003-11-19

    ok for the 3rd time;) flag

  • Frode Lillevold at 2003-11-19

    ….and Norway is not a member of the EU :-)

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