Dvonn (and Gipf) World Championship 2004 TZAAR, DVONN, LYNGK

7 replies. Last post: 2006-04-23

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Dvonn (and Gipf) World Championship 2004
  • XanderN at 2004-07-28

    For those of you who have not seen the announcement on the Gipf website yet: On Saturday October 30 there will be the Gipf World Championship and on Sunday October 31st the Dvonn World Championship.

    It will be organized at the same location as last year, at the 'Spellenspektakel' games fair in Eindhoven (The Netherlands). I will certainly be there. I hope more of the top players from Little Golem will be present.

  • Allan Mertner at 2004-07-28

    I don't know if I qualify for that, but I certainly intend to be there as well if my schedule allows it.

    It would be fun to see some of the players from littlegolem there and have a game or two face-to-face :)

  • XanderN at 2004-07-29

    Last year the tournament was open, so everyone was able to participate, I have not asked, but I am going to assume that this year it will be an open tournament again (unless all Little Golem players would start signing up or something like that). Kris Burm (inventer of the game) will organize it (he is playing here as 'Jix'). Last years winner also plays here (Tobias Lange, playing here as 'Tobias (TORBEN .BSW)'). I think last year in between the 21 participants there were 5 Little Golem players.

  • Rex Moore at 2004-07-29

    As long as airfare is provided from the U.S., I'll be there! :-P

  • Jan C. de Graaf at 2004-09-04

    I will participate in the Dvonn tournament for sure, and maybe also in the Gipf tournament although I am a true beginner at Gipf:)

  • groeneveld at 2006-04-23

    where can we find the tournament page??

  • klaashaas at 2006-04-23

    Main menu > games > Dvonn. There you can find links to the championship, monthly cup and rating tournaments.

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