how to place a stone in Fendo Other games

5 replies. Last post: 2023-05-30

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how to place a stone in Fendo
  • qaxcr at 2023-05-29

    I have started a game of Fendo for the first time.
    How can I place a new stone on the board ?

  • William Fraser at 2023-05-29

    You place a new stone by clicking on the destination square WITHOUT clicking on a source square first.

    I hope this helps!


  • William Fraser at 2023-05-29

    Oh, and then you'll need to place a fence before you can send your move.


  • qaxcr at 2023-05-29

    I forgot the rule that destination square should be connected with a friend stone !
    Thank you for the response. The question has resolved.

  • Oakmoss at 2023-05-30

    Yeah, forgetting I couldn't just drop a stone anywhere messed me up quite a bit in one game. I have Shogibrain, it seems.

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