foggies VS teenies Game of Empathy

4 replies. Last post: 2006-03-19

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foggies VS teenies
  • CleverHunk steven cullum at 2006-03-19

    I find the hardest thing to judge in this game,especially on some subjects such as “famous bands,cartoons”.

    is trying to jusge what the most popular answers will be,when you take into consideration the age group a particular person will be in.

    take for example people say 17,37,67 in age..will have radically different answers to some things.

  • Rick Landis at 2006-03-19

    That's one of the reasons I suggested it. I can't wait to see the answers. Problem is, in reading the other topic blogs, often the person who suggested the subject gets clobbered! But for me I hope the game stays interesting, with many different “kinds” of subject words!

  • Bill Collins at 2006-03-19

    You'll probably get clobbered Rick!! LOL. Congrats on making the top!!

  • KPT at 2006-03-19

    The Game of empathy…its…not a game for kids

    but…u must to be “EMPATHIC” …

    we have to “study” the “poblation”

    (my think)

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