Richard Moxham Morelli

9 replies. Last post: 2019-04-05

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Richard Moxham
  • David Ploog at 2019-04-02

    Dear fellow Morelli players.

    I have the burden to bring you sad news: Richard Moxham passed away on March 24. He was 68 years old.

    His game certainly is original in many ways. May his memory live on through our games.

    Best, David

  • Galdian at 2019-04-02

    Oh :( I didn't have time to try Morelli yet, will try it now, so his legacy can continue.

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2019-04-02

    Oh, that is most unfortunate… Morelli is a fantastic contribution to the world of board games, may he rest in peace.

  • gamesorry ★ at 2019-04-02

    I could't believe this is true :( I participated in the first Morelli World Championship and he sent a realMorelli set to me, he was so nice .. RIP Richard Moxham, we'll remember you and your game.

  • Carroll at 2019-04-03

    Oh sad news!

    Richard not only invented the very complex and deep Morelli, but also recently designed a double very interesting and elegant game Necnon, see

    I hope you find great people to play with in the heaven of game inventors.

  • psikonauta at 2019-04-04

    Wow, sad news. I tried Morelli and didn't get it, but NECNON seems closer to my taste, I will try it soon. RIP and thanks for everything.

  • _syLph_ at 2019-04-04

    While I wasn't a fan of the meta game that has developed in Morelli on littlegolem and got into (unpleasant) arguments with him about it, I agree that Morelli is an interesting game people should try out and unlike any other game I have played. Smart man, despite our disagreements all respect to him.

  • Harry Grafton at 2019-04-05

    Yes great game, had to stop playing because it was requiring me more than a minute to play moves to stay in the game

    The board fits in with the modern design of using distinct colours (might see colour addition to chess pieces soon, that will upset the traditionlists)

    Great player, had some good chats about playing tactics, but did not manage to catch up with his skills

  • William Fraser at 2019-04-05

    We will miss him.

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