Morelli game #1836261 Morelli

4 replies. Last post: 2017-04-02

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Morelli game #1836261
  • Richard Moxham at 2017-04-02

    Came across this intriguing 9x9  between R56ygf v zeder.  Finely balanced endgame, as far as I could see, so couldn't for the life of me  figure out why it ended in a resignation.  Would be  very interesting to hear the insider take on that, if either or both of the protagonists were happy to discuss.

  • Richard Moxham at 2017-04-02

    Thanks, purgency.  Very helpful.  I'm real rubbish at stuff like links!

  • gamesorry ★ at 2017-04-02

    I think it's because black seems to secure the top-right quarter. There's still possibility for a draw though, so maybe it's more due to the psychological effect of losing 2 stones at move 23 for white.

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