3x7 solved Breakthrough

1 replies. Last post: 2006-12-08

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3x7 solved
  • Carroll at 2006-12-08

    Thanks Tasmanian Devil.

    Here is a nice problem that could occur in part of a real bigger game !?

    Black(X) to win in 31 moves (unique):

     +---+---+---+7| x | x | x | +---+---+---+6| x | x |   | +---+---+---+5| x | x |   | +---+---+---+4| o |   | o | +---+---+---+3|   |   | o | +---+---+---+2| o | o |   | +---+---+---+1| o | o | o | +---+---+---+   A   B   C
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