What are the rules about outfielders in front of your own goal? StreetSoccer

5 replies. Last post: 2012-09-06

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What are the rules about outfielders in front of your own goal?
  • Thor at 2012-09-06

    I moved my outfielder to one of the two spaces in front of my goal to kick the ball. Now it has moved to another space. I'm not sure if this was shown before I sent the move. I probably didn't check but I'm sure it was not shown when I chose where to kick the ball.

    Is this rule stated somewhere? If I had know I'd have kicked the ball to another space :/


  • Thor at 2012-09-06

    Here is also the position before the move.

  • Marius Halsor at 2012-09-06

    You can only move an outfielder in front of your own goal (or your opponents goal) if the ball is there. If you do that, that player will be moved after kicking the ball, in order to prevent him from remaining in an illegal position. The player will be moved forward (or backward, if in front of opponents goal) to the next legal position. That is, to the next position where there is no ball nor player.

    PS. I actually had a bit of fun with this rule once by placing all players from both sides on a straight line, then kicking the ball… :-)

  • Thor at 2012-09-06

    Thank you.

    What happens if I have two of my outfielders in the two spaces in front of the other guy's goal and then score a goal? Does his goalkeeper displace both of my outfielders? or just one?

    While I'm at it if I score a goal and have a wall of my players in front of my opponents goal. What happens if he roles a 6 but it is not possible to kick the ball further than 3 spaces? He has to kick, no?

    The rules of this game are not so clear.

  • MarleysGhost at 2012-09-06

    > What happens if I have two of my outfielders in the two spaces in front of the other guy's goal and then score a goal?

    That won't happen. Only the defending goalkeeper is allowed to stand in those two cells, so they're always empty when the goalie returns to them to make the post-goal kickoff. Other players can run to one of those cells only if the ball is there, and they retreat out of those cells before the next turn.

    Also at most one defending non-goalie is allowed to stand in the two cells in front of those two cells (i.e. the other two cells that are inside the white square).

    > I score a goal and have a wall of my players in front of my opponent's goal. What happens if he rolls a 6 but it is not possible to kick the ball farther than 3 spaces?

    I don't know if I've seen it happen, but the rumor is that the kicking player has no legal move and must resign or time out.

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