Is this cheating ? StreetSoccer

11 replies. Last post: 2012-08-13

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Is this cheating ?
  • Yleia at 2012-08-08


  • JeanHebert at 2012-08-08

    The rule states that you cannot put your players in a position where the opponent cannot reach the ball without crossing the touchline.

    This does not violate this rule since one of the red players can still access the ball.

  • Steven Pedlow at 2012-08-08

    Yleia has just moved out from being right above the ball. In his next move, Looser will have to eliminate the current blocking. Yellow could only get to this position because a red player was inside the corner yellow surrounded.

  • Hjallti ★ at 2012-08-11

    In other words, if the last move on that picture was yellow it would be cheating, while the move of red is one of the correct moves to force yellow to open up.

    I wonder however, if the next roll of yellow is 1 he has no legal move?

    He has… to move his keeper outside the field! if that is allowed

  • LeCanardfou at 2012-08-11

    He can also swap his keeper with the ball.

  • Hjallti ★ at 2012-08-11

    Oh yes I missed that… which means that the interface showing the possible moves is not good… the wrong analysis factor is less.

  • FatPhil at 2012-08-11

    One could contrive a yellow=d2,d3,d4,c4,b4, ball=b2 situation where there's no legal move on a roll of 1, though.

  • kfiecio at 2012-08-13

    Than b4 can and must go outside the field to a4, but still if a4 is occupied by red, than there is no legal moves? The same goes for yellow=d2,d3,c3,c4,b4 ball=b2 red=a4.

  • Steven Pedlow at 2012-08-13

    If there's no legal move, then the player unable to make a move will eventually forfeit on time.

  • Tommah at 2012-08-13

    @Steven: Wouldn't that use up all your vacation days? Seems harsh.

  • Tommah at 2012-08-13

    Ah, I guess you could just resign then. :) Think, THEN post, Tommah.

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