Climbing over the goal and/or through a hole in the goal net StreetSoccer

2 replies. Last post: 2004-02-04

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Climbing over the goal and/or through a hole in the goal net
  • FC Cwali at 2004-01-31

    One 'rule' in this online version which is probably not known by all players:

    Players can climb over the goal (or through a hole in the net). Sometimes that makes the path to the ball shorter for your goalie when your opponent has the ball in your corner.

    In the boardgame-rulebook climbing over the goal is not mentioned. I sometimes get email with this question and it is the only StreetSoccer-question on which I can really not answer based on the rulebook. (The rulebook says that you can use the spaces around the fieldlines to walk, but if the goal blocks that possibility to walk over the goal line???) I like the rule that you can climb over the goal, but my opponents (with small goalies) sometimes don't want that rule.

  • FC Cwali at 2004-02-04

    I just want to emphesize this again because it can be very important in a match. I can score in a match where I think my opponent didn't know this.

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