Garyk Kaspik says "Time to say (good-) bye" Chess forum

8 replies. Last post: 2004-01-07

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Garyk Kaspik says "Time to say (good-) bye"
  • garyk kaspik at 2003-06-30

    Dear chessfriend,

    It is probaly my last day to be here on LG.

    I would like to say thanks and (good-) bye to my good friends Mightyking (for good comments, lessons and playstyle), Nagy, Ricardo, Slovak chessplayers (especially to Rio for good job on this amazing site) and as well other chessfans and chessplayers.

    I hope I will return back to this site sometimes…

    For the moment (good-) bye.

    P.S. Sorry that I cannot finish my current games. I congratulate to the wins my opponents.

    (Good-) bye

  • Mightyking at 2003-06-30

    Well hop right in when you feel like playing some more games. It was a pleasure.

  • Ricardo (Santos) at 2003-07-01

    Yes, a true pleasure! Thank you for all good teaching. And when ever you feel like it… a warm welcome back!

  • Dvd Avins at 2004-01-02

    Are you back under the name “Garf Kalpik”, also of Slovakia? Or is it just a coincidence that his handle seems designed to remind one of you, just as yours seems designed to remind one of Kasparov?

  • Garyk Kaspik at 2004-01-03

    Hi Dvd Avins,

    At this time I can only say that this is the riddle.

  • ypercube at 2004-01-04

    Very strange to be a coincidence! My bet that it has some connection at least with the “original” garyk kaspik.

    And a second coincidence: Kalpik means “not genuine”, “not original” !

  • Mightyking at 2004-01-04

    Now that DVD Avins has mentioned it. The play style of Kalpik very much resembles old Kaspik's style :)

    So can I say welcome back?

    Strange, that I never really noticed this before.

  • Ricardo (Santos) at 2004-01-07

    I also have had a feeling since the championship started… or rather think / hope that it is now time to say “Welcome back G K”… another “coinsidence” is the message that is provided under the “two” players - very similar indeed :)

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