Puzzled by vacation days General forum

4 replies. Last post: 2004-12-16

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Puzzled by vacation days
  • laibach at 2004-12-15

    When i finally got to log in again just now after some 5 days (with 14 or 15 vacation days left), i noticed to my surprise that 5-6 games had ended because of time-out and no vacationdays left ??? When i went to check my vacation days, i saw that on 13/12/2004 i had something of 14 days subtracted !!!!

    In the FAQ is stated that everything time a game is between 0 and 24 hours a vacationday gets deducted, and it has been said (on the forum i think) that this only gets checked once a day.

    So what's the deal here ? Somebody else taking up my vacationdays or what ??????

  • ypercube at 2004-12-15

    Please try to send a private mesage to the Webmaster (Richard) explaining what happened.

  • Garyk Kaspik at 2004-12-16

    I think there could be a feature to take a vacation day when the player wants to take the vacation (not depend on the games).

  • laibach at 2004-12-16

    okay i'll mail Richard later on.

    I didn't take up any vacationdays, they just got subtracted immediately (the 14-some)…

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