When will littlegolem reach 2,000,000 games? General forum

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When will littlegolem reach 2,000,000 games?
  • Carroll at 2017-12-11

    LG is over 1,900,000 games played, try to guess on which we will play the 2 millionth game ?

    My guess is on 2nd of October 2018.

  • Wolfpack at 2017-12-11

    2018-08-08 08:08:08 my guess for start time of game 2 000 000

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2017-12-12

    2017-06-05 05:06:20.17

  • Wolfpack at 2017-12-12

    2017-06-05 is in the past

  • Carroll at 2017-12-12

    Should we agree on a limit date to post answers?

    I propose 2018-02-28 23:59:59 as this limit date.

    Also maybe we should not accept manipulation by creating tons of new games on proposed date.

  • Carroll at 2017-12-12

    Or we could go until last second with a rating system giving more points for earlier answers depending on both distance to correct answer and distance in time for the prediction ?

    I don't know what the right formula for this point system would be. It seems like exponentially harder to give accurate prediction in advance, but maybe some estimators become precise after a few months of data and the months left until final time do not matter too much ?

  • _syLph_ at 2017-12-12

    My guess is 2018

  • Carroll at 2017-12-12

    Oh so another parameter to take into account for the rating formula is the precision of the guessing date ;)

  • _syLph_ at 2017-12-12


    Okay okay, i'm changing my guess. I have done all the maths. the last 100k games took 14 months. Given that there is only 90k to go it has to be approximately in 14*0.9=12.6 months. My guess is christmas 2018.

  • Carroll at 2017-12-12

    234.2 games a day?

    I haven't seen that on last days…

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2017-12-14

    Einstein 1-point has a pretty active scene, huh? ;)

  • Wolfpack at 2018-03-01


  • ypercube at 2018-03-01

    prediction: 2018-08-16

  • _syLph_ at 2018-03-01

    TIMELIMIT WAS 2018-02-28 23:59:59

    UR LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • _syLph_ at 2018-03-01


  • ypercube at 2018-03-01

    I propose the limit be extended ;)

  • Carroll at 2018-03-02

    OK request granted, you have until 2018-03-31 23:59:59

    And I change my prediction to 2018-12-05

    Current predictions:

    2018-06-05 05:06:20.18: mmKall ? on 2017-12-12

    2018-08-16: Ypercube on 2018-03-01

    2018-12-05: Carroll on 2018-03-02

    2018-12-25: Purgency on2017-12-12

    There is still room for improvement…

  • _syLph_ at 2018-03-02

    Also 2018-08-08 08:08:08 by The_Burglar

  • Carroll at 2018-03-02

    Yes sorry

  • Wolfpack at 2018-03-02

    cheers the super 8 is sure to win mate

  • gamesorry ★ at 2018-03-02

    2019-01-09 01:01:09

  • Carroll at 2018-03-03

    It would be cool to continue to play near the time when it reaches 2M.

    Anyone can come up with a rating formula giving more points to earlier predictions and accepting late predictions with less points when we approach the certainty?

  • Wolfpack at 2018-04-14

    1940258 games just 59742 more too goo

  • wanderer_bot at 2018-04-15

    Where did you get that number? When I open the LG homepage I get a smaller number:1,936,963   Games

  • ypercube at 2018-04-15

    I guess The_Burglar referred to the game with highest game_id and forgot that there have been some gaps in the id sequence.

  • William Fraser at 2018-04-15

    I propose as the score sqrt(days between date estimate issued and date of estimate) - (days between date of estimate and date of actual).

  • Wolfpack at 2018-04-15

    yes got it now 1,937,249 games

    g -62751

  • Carroll at 2018-04-16

    I accept Bill's proposition to have an inverse square law for predictions errors, with this law, here are the prediction budgets (in days) for each prediction received:

    -  mmKall for2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 13.23

    -Ypercube for2018-08-16: 12.96

    -Carroll for 2018-12-05: 16.67

    -Purgency for2018-12-25: 19.44

    -The_Burglar for2018-08-08 08:08:08: 15.49

    The error in days will be subtracted from this prediction budget to get a score.

  • _syLph_ at 2018-04-16

    So my prediction error has to be less than 19.44 in order for me to beat the dude that leaves his estimate on the very day that the gamecount hits 2 million, hence finishing with a score of 0?

  • William Fraser at 2018-04-17

    Yep.  I was assuming that at least one one competitor would get a score greater than zero.  This system is probably not optimal for determining 2nd place, etc.  Perhaps for second place finisher, the formula should double the bonus (meaning that you'd only need to be within 38.88 to beat that player).

  • Carroll at 2018-04-17

    Well, some theoretical work to backup formulas, constants would be nice.

    I think the distribution of games played through time can be estimated.

    The mean is easy, I have not tried to compute the standard deviation.

    Knowing these figures we can compute how far an estimate may lie from the real date, 3 days before or ten days before or now and so change the bonus coefficient so that it is not way easier to get a positive score just the day before it reaches 2M…

  • Carroll at 2018-04-17

    As the distribution of games through time is a Poisson law (of varying parameter lambda, depending on new tournaments…), both the mean and the variance are lambda…

  • Carroll at 2018-04-18

    The probability distribution with Poisson l law that n games have been played on day t is given by the formula:

    p = l.exp(-l.t)(l.t)^(n-1)/(n-1)! which is a Gamma law.

    With my estimate of l, that yields a 95% confidence that it is between d-27 and d+27, with d best estimated date.

    So the current budget is too low and I accept to multiply by 2:

    mmKall for 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 26.46

    Ypercube for 2018-08-16: 25.92

    Carroll for  2018-12-05: 33.33

    Purgency for 2018-12-25: 38.88

    The_Burglar for2018-08-08 08:08:08: 30.98

  • Carroll at 2018-04-25

    60K to go.

  • unique at 2018-04-28

    early congratulations to us all

  • Wolfpack at 2018-05-05

    -58k and counting

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2018-05-14

    Looks like 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1 might not be the winning date, but perhaps if I create lots of accounts and games…


  • Carroll at 2018-05-14

    Yes you can try this, as my prediction won't be reached either…

  • Wolfpack at 2018-05-14


  • Wolfpack at 2018-05-18


  • Wolfpack at 2018-05-18


  • Wolfpack at 2018-05-26


  • _syLph_ at 2018-05-26

    gamesorrys guess of 2019-01-09 01:01:09 is the clear winning candidate right now

  • Carroll at 2018-05-28

    Thanks for reminding me of Gamesorry,

    So the current day budget is ( 2*sqrt(delta)).

    The final score will be \|budget minus prediction error\|

    mmKall for 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 26.46

    Ypercube for 2018-08-16: 25.92

    Carroll for  2018-12-05: 33.33

    Purgency for 2018-12-25: 38.88

    The_Burglar for2018-08-08 08:08:08: 30.98

    Gamesorry for 2019-01-09 01:01:09 on2018-03-02: 35.38

  • Wolfpack at 2018-05-30

    Hopefully everyone (or most) will play all (or most) tournaments in August to celebrate the roman empire

  • Carroll at 2018-06-02

    51k to go!

  • ypercube at 2018-06-06


  • Wolfpack at 2018-06-11


  • Wolfpack at 2018-06-16

    48k exactly to go

  • _syLph_ at 2018-06-16

    i'm changing my guess to 2019-02-01

  • Carroll at 2018-06-16

    I'm changing my guess to 2019-02-08…

  • Carroll at 2018-06-16

    Here are the new budgets errors in days ( 2*sqrt(delta)):

    mmKall for 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 26.46

    Ypercube for 2018-08-16: 25.92

    Carroll for  2019-02-08: 30.79

    Purgency for 2019-02-01: 30.33

    The_Burglar for 2018-08-08 08:08:08: 30.98

    Gamesorry for 2019-01-09 01:01:09 : 35.38

  • Wolfpack at 2018-06-26


  • Carroll at 2018-07-01


  • Carroll at 2018-07-16


  • Wolfpack at 2018-07-21

    40k ish

  • Carroll at 2018-08-08


    The predictions for 08-2018 will be hard to fulfill…

  • Wolfpack at 2018-08-08

    4 hours to go on my misprediction would need 10 new games every second, maybe too much for the server to handle

  • ypercube at 2018-08-08

    Need a new game every 20 seconds to reach mine (2018-08-16). Time to write a bot perhaps ;)

  • _syLph_ at 2018-08-08

    Time to change your guesses perhaps ;)

  • Carroll at 2018-08-08

    Yes still plenty of space left in 2019…

  • Wolfpack at 2018-08-08

    2019-01-19 20:19:01 is my new guess based on number of games (not game number)

  • Carroll at 2018-08-09

    Here are the new budgets errors in days ( 2*sqrt(delta)):

    mmKall for 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 26.46

    Ypercube for 2018-08-16: 25.92

    Carroll for  2019-02-08: 30.79

    Purgency for 2019-02-01: 30.33

    The_Burglar for 2019-01-19 20:19:10: 25.53

    Gamesorry for 2019-01-09 01:01:09 : 35.38

  • Wolfpack at 2018-08-09

    will 9 seconds earlier make a difference? :01 instead of :10 (I spot mistakes quickly, maybe from computer programming in the 80's with z80's)

  • _syLph_ at 2018-08-09

    yes, your prediction error is now 25.5299999999999999999999999999999999

  • _syLph_ at 2018-08-09

    prediction budge*

  • Carroll at 2018-08-09

    I don't take the time of the day into account for the budget as I use dateutils.ddiff 2018-08-09 2019-01-19, but when we do \|budget-error\|, we can take it into account…

  • Carroll at 2018-08-09

    Well I could:

    dateutils.ddiff -f “%Hh, %Mm, %Ss” -i “%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S” 2018-08-09:00:00:01 2019-01-19:20:19:01

    3932h, 19m, 0s

    So your new budget would be 25.6005, but I don't know the time where the other predictions were made.

  • Wolfpack at 2018-08-21


  • Wolfpack at 2018-08-31

    1973846 highest game number just 26154 more to game number 2 million

    1970446 just 29554 more tooooooooooooooooooooooooo reach 2 million

  • Carroll at 2018-09-01

    I think we should consider the number on the home page:




  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-02

    highest game number right now is 1974598 while the front page shows 1,971,198. Why is there a difference of 3k?

    And I agree we should use the front page number. Its easier to check and also the thing I have been looking at so far.

  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-02

    Also, 10k games in the past month? Wtf happened there, thats alot.

  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-02

    Oh, it was more about 8k, I checked wrong. So 30/8 = 3.75. Still alot, if the pace is kept it would finish late december

  • gzero_bot at 2018-09-02

    @purgency i clicked on the game you linked - and looks as if someone is obviously running a bot v bot there…

  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-02

    That seems to be the case, also 800 games monthly just by those 2 players/bots

  • William Fraser at 2018-09-03

    The discrepancy is mentioned in some other thread, but I don't really have the time to dig it out right now.  IIRC, there was a server problem which caused quite a few game numbers to be skipped over.

  • Carroll at 2018-09-11


  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-11

    geez, 9 days ago i wrote the number of games was 1971198.

    How did this increase by 4k in 9 days.

    At this pace it will be done in under 2 months

  • Wolfpack at 2018-09-22

    View more



  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-22

    well well, given the circumstances i change my prediction to november 5th

  • KPT at 2018-09-22

    i was pretty sure that i did my prediction before.But since i can't find it.

    My prediction is Dec 12

  • Carroll at 2018-09-24

    Here are the new budgets errors in days ( 2*sqrt(delta)):

    mmKall for 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 26.46

    Ypercube for 2018-08-16: 25.92

    Carroll for  2019-02-08: 30.79

    Purgency for 2018-11-05 on the 22nd of September : 13.27

    The_Burglar for 2019-01-19 20:19:10: 25.53

    Gamesorry for 2019-01-09 01:01:09 : 35.38

    Kpato for 2018-12-12 on the 22nd of September: 18

  • William Fraser at 2018-09-26

    2 new rule proposals:

    First, people who specified only dates may either choose a time of day (sometime before September ends), or they will be assumed to have guessed noon on the day they selected.

    Also, a clarification – all times given in predictions are treated as being in the server time zone.

  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-26

    i choose 13:37

    Did you forget the second rule proposal or was that the clarification? :p

  • Carroll at 2018-09-26

    Accepted, (rule and clarification), what is the server time zone ? :p

  • Carroll at 2018-09-26

    Btw Bill for dimensional analysis is your constant 2 also in square(day) ?

  • Carroll at 2018-09-26

    I mean square root or [T]^1/2

  • _syLph_ at 2018-09-26

    Server time zone is UTC-4 I think. Time in New York etc.

  • ypercube at 2018-09-26

    My prediction was standard (UTC and 00:00:00) although it doesn't matter much since it has already gone.

  • ypercube at 2018-10-03

    15K to go

  • William Fraser at 2018-10-03

    Yes, I suppose the constant was 2 \sqrt(Day).

    And, yes, the clarification was the second rule proposal.

  • Carroll at 2018-10-11

    12K to go

  • ypercube at 2018-10-13

    Looks like we will be there in early November.

  • ypercube at 2018-10-16

    10K now

  • ypercube at 2018-10-20

    7.5K  now.

  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-20


  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-20

    7k34 (K is reserved for 1024)

  • ypercube at 2018-10-21

    @Burglar right, K may be confusing. It may mean 103 = 1000 or 210 = 1024. I should have clarified.

  • _syLph_ at 2018-10-21

    actually no, that shouldn't need to be clarified. absolutely not.

  • ypercube at 2018-10-24

    6K now or more accurately 5.9K (that is 5900 games to go)

  • Galdian at 2018-10-24

    BTW does anyone know, why the number of players on the main site is so tremendously incorrect?

  • ypercube at 2018-10-24

    What do you mean incorrect? Do you mean that there is a difference between the number of players shown and the max id of current players?

    That's well known, there are some gaps (of around 986 id values missing).

  • ypercube at 2018-10-24

    SYSTEM has id = 1

    Richard (the webmaster and owner of the site) has id = 1002.

    Other players have ids from 1003 and above.

    There are some (test) players with ids between 2 and 1001 but not for all id values.

  • Galdian at 2018-10-24

    According to the main page, the number of players is 118,092.

    On the list of players:


    there are 84 sites with 20 players per site, so the number of players is 1,680 (actually less, as there is no full 20 players on the site no. 84).

    So the number on the main page is approx. 116.000 higher (and approx. 70x higher) than the number of actual players.

  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-24

    1667 games to go for 5877 active players that's just less than 4 each

  • ypercube at 2018-10-24

    @GaldianI think that list shows only “active” players. Not sure about the exact definition of “active” but probably has to do with either having games going on or recently finished or having logged in recently.

    For example, my friend agoui (from Cyprus) who doesn't have any open game and his last login shows as 2016, doesn't appear in the list (easy to check, no one is listed from Cyprus).

  • Galdian at 2018-10-24

    Ok, that can explain it, thanks! :)

  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-26

    5030 (my previous comment had numbers wrong way round!)

  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-26


  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-27


  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-27


  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-27


  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-27


  • apetresc at 2018-10-27

    I'm not sure a live countdown is really necessary…

  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-28

    4298 which is 2% less, but should an update be if the % difference is maybe 5, 10 or even 20 (always give 3 choices there's a 50 chance they will pick the middle one {if they did that in politics they would only spend time talking and voting})

  • Carroll at 2018-10-29


  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-30

    3311 which is 43*11*7 (spot 11's divide by =301 spot subtracting 280 (multiple of 7) leaves a multiple of 7)

  • Force majeure at 2018-10-31

    Do you have any statistics, how each game contributes to the total number of almost 2 million?

  • Wolfpack at 2018-10-31

    2789 quick guess it's prime

  • ypercube at 2018-11-02

    A bit less than 2K games

  • lorentz at 2018-11-03

    Can you remind me: are we going by the homepage number?

  • Carroll at 2018-11-03


    @Force majeure, no but it could be estimated by taking the number of games of each type of most active players.

  • Wolfpack at 2018-11-04


  • _syLph_ at 2018-11-04

    today is my prediction date, everyone spam games pls, thx

  • _syLph_ at 2018-11-04

    (today=monday, i realise its not yet monday in server time)

  • Carroll at 2018-11-05


    Purgency for 2018-11-05 on the 22nd of September : 13.27

    you will get between 12.27 and 13.27 points depending when this occurs and no one can do better !

    Luck or skill ?

  • _syLph_ at 2018-11-05

    Its mostly a matter of trying to win. Like, I was the only one who changed his predictions whenever the current/previous one seemed unrealistic. Frequently checking how many games were being started in like a week or a month or whatever, calculate the average games started per day and then just divide the number of games left to 2m by that average number of games started per day, to find out what approximately should be the days left until the 2m are hit. And I know that you did something similar too, Carroll, since our first two guesses were fairly close to each other. So I wouldn't call it luck, but also not really call it skill. Just the simple way to do predictions based on current trends and graphs, and then actually doing that more than once to update predictions.

  • Wolfpack at 2018-11-05


  • Carroll at 2018-11-06

    100 to go!

    So we are not today anymore…

  • lorentz at 2018-11-06

    I think it will be today in the US. Do I recall correctly that LG's clock setting is New York time?

  • ypercube at 2018-11-06

    It will likely be still 6th of November in Europe, too.

  • Wolfpack at 2018-11-06


  • ypercube at 2018-11-06

    I think we just passed 2 million games!

  • ypercube at 2018-11-06

    And (I could be wrong but) I think this is it:


  • lorentz at 2018-11-06

    There must have been a sudden surge. A couple of hours ago the pace was about 10 or 20 new games per hour. Now we're way over. So much for my plan to get a screenshot at 2,000,000.  :(

  • Carroll at 2018-11-06

    Here are the final points  ( 2*sqrt(delta)) - date error) :

    mmKall for 2018-06-05 05:06:20.1: 26.46 - 154.5 = -128

    Ypercube for 2018-08-16: 25.92 - 82.5 = -56.58

    Carroll for  2019-02-08: 30.79 - 94.5 = -63.71

    Purgency for 2018-11-05 on the 22nd of September : 13.27 - 1.5 = +11.77

    The_Burglar for 2019-01-19 20:19:10: 25.53 - 74 = -48.47

    Gamesorry for 2019-01-09 01:01:09 : 35.38 - 64 = -28.62

    Kpato for 2018-12-12 on the 22nd of September: 18 - 36.5 = -18.5

    Thanks to all for participating !

    Now any prediction for 3 millions games?

  • Wolfpack at 2018-11-06

    A bit early how about 2030-10-20 10:10

  • Tommah at 2018-11-06

    Congratulations to LG!  That's a lot of games….

  • _syLph_ at 2018-11-06

    oh, nice! we hit it. around 5pm it seems. 2030 seems like a fine guess for 3m, we better keep this place alive till then to see the day :p

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2018-11-07

    Fantastic news! Massive congratulations to LG and everyone who had helped make this happen!

    I'm back for the time being, btw. Also am willing to implement Squadro for the site, it would be a great fit. :)

  • Wolfpack at 2018-11-07

    ypercube shows the game

    Start time was 2018-11-16 16:22

    Next target could be when 2 million games are finished, I would expect alot weren't even started

  • Wolfpack at 2018-11-23

    Start time: 2018-11-06 16:22 “safer to copy and paste”

  • Maurizio De Leo at 2018-11-23


    Maybe somebody with database skill could check how many games were concluded by game rules or resign rather than by time. An approximation is the number of games above 20 moves

  • ypercube at 2019-01-15

    I predict 3 million game will be reached at 28th February of 2022.

    Shall we start a new thread for “When will littlegolem reach 3,000,000 games?“?

  • Carroll at 2019-01-15

    Yes please do and select a way to count points.

    You did not specify the hour of the day, and sure it is not of the 29th ?

  • Carroll at 2019-01-15

    My prevision for 3 millions games is Friday 5th of September 2025.

  • mungo at 2019-01-28

    My prediction is 22 May 2029 for reaching 3 million games

  • Ricardo (Santos) at 2019-03-23

    My prediction for reaching 3 million games is December 26, 2025.

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