List of games

List of games [mzmzmz] [Dots and Boxes]
Game Opponent Rating Tournament Moves Result
#1088363  pedropajarito   1513.4  Dots and Boxes Size 5x5  41  lost 
#1086645  IanWebster   1460.1  Dots and Boxes Size 4x4  26  lost 
#1083223  Domi   1602.8  Dots and Boxes Size 4x4  26  lost 
#1083051  IanWebster   1460.1  Dots and Boxes Size 4x4  26  draw 
#1082025  hasanTebriz   1407.3  Dots and Boxes Size 4x4  win 
#1081440  cecilia   1479.5  Dots and Boxes Size 4x4  27  win 
All games in text