strategy of C6, openings... Gomoku, Connect6

8 replies. Last post: 2006-10-21

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strategy of C6, openings...
  • Theo van der Storm at 2006-10-18

    Infinity: “As i know, U, kpato want's to know about strategy of C6, openings…”

    Yes and kpato is not the only one.

    Such postings in English in this forum would be appreciated very much.

    Who dares sharing their knowledge?

  • Infinity at 2006-10-19

    Ok, I know 3 kinds of Strategy: Atacker, bloker and Middle. Firstly I prefered Atack and find that it is not right for me. When I find myself in the Middle - my rate was growns up. But any kind of strategy depends on the charactor of the opponent.

    I'll show you kinds of the stratefy of the first players in LG:

    Patriot - Middle (more bloker). At the very beginning - he wait's when opponent make's small mistake and win.

    Euhuang - Middle (more bloker) but sometimes decided to atack after 3-4 moves

    Rus boy - As I understand - his kind of strategy depends on his mood. He may attack at the very beginning, and he may be not active.

    Ondik - Middle (more atack)

    Andrey - Middle (more atack)

    Strategy of Ondik and Andrey are equal - not convinient players for me -)

    Thomas - Atack

    Xooox - Atack

    CHY - always Atack (i think his disadvantage)

    Marsh Song - Blocker - He decided to atack when he's defenitely shures that win

    Every kind of strategy is good. You should try play differently and find yourself what is more suitable for you.

    Sorry, Bad English, but I hope that you understand me :)

  • ondik at 2006-10-19

    It's good to hear opinions about your playing style from other player, thanks :)

    Ok I will write a bit about my tactic (strategy or whatever).

    I have to disagree with you in case of my style. If i should describe my style in one word then it would be “Lazy”(yeh, that just came to my mind:) ). It means and the beginning i let the opponent play, even force him to attack by playing (for the first sight) weak moves (i call these moves “positional moves” :) ). And I begin my attack when I feel that my position is better or when i feel a chance to win.

    Word feel is absolutely right in my case, because i play mostly according to how i feel the game, the position (of course if there is a complicated situation I have to analyse a bit) - Andrey once said something like that I care too much about how position looks - thats right, sometimes I care about it more than about an opponent's win ;).

    I play this way, because I'm used to it from gomoku (not LG gomoku, I should mention, because this is really far from gomoku…but i would have to creat a new topic to explain:) ), where i used exactly the same tactic and did quite well :). And believe me, in real, where is not a board you could analyse on, it's quite useful :).

    Enhuang - with me he is always active, but he is good blocker as well.

    CHY - absolutely right, I think he has never played gomoku or any similar game.

    Marsh Song - pity he doesn't play here anymore, his style is hard to be described if he played just about 20 games with top players.

    I hope and expect other players to write here too :)

  • safe at 2006-10-20

    i am no good at it buh heres my take on it… as many different openings as i can with as many opponents as i can at as many levels then, considerr my twenty move wins and twenty move losses,…. then see who else has played each win and each loss at twenty moves…think of the game as what i might do next then check to see what move was made….

    then i consider values of lines like open 3 or closed4 or three open 2's each has a value,…some like 3 open 3's would have more value say than two closed 4's or hyper extended closed 4 open 3 might have a value that has kept the attack buh lost sente…. 2 open 2's that blocks against open two closed two is worth more as it helps establish an extra strength as i block… so always go from open one first move to 2 open 2's or open 3 and continue to develope the value of the line as you play…if i block the opponents open two and make an open 3 i am likely getting a better deal than starting all over again from a stone in the middle of nowhere ….

  • KPT at 2006-10-20


    maybe some of us

    want to share more details about his strategy hehe.

    not to share HIS SECRET


    maybe some one can teach




    MOVES TO WIN SECURE…4ir …if u do the “J” with the yellows..u win

    or…if u ocuped all the parity places with the red u win.

    someone of u know Christian galvez?

    well…the last year..he was my bass teacher.

    he teachme some secrets…i shared with me.


    i think the best Bassist of the world

    and he did feel “fear” to share his knowledge with me


    he definitly is the best.

    u dont have to feel fear! :)

  • euhuang at 2006-10-20

    Echo kpato's comment, here I put one common mistake that C6 players are easy to commit to: allow your opponent to place “a (one-sided) closed-end 4 + 2 open 2's” when you have none or fewer 3's than your opponent. Give you an example (I hope my opponent won't mind):

    Here on MOVE 4, WHITE made 2 open 2's but had none closed or open 3's. So, BLACK can easily made the MOVE 5 which consists of a closed-end 4 + 2 open 2's. Game over. If WHITE here has one or more 3's, WHITE can place one piece to block BLACK's 4 and one piece to create own 4. So, BLACK cannot utilize the open 2 to make subsequent connection.

    Here is another more obscure (thus higher risk) example:

    On MOVE 17, BLACK blocks opponent's 3 and creates 2 open 2's for himself, but now BLACK has none 3. So on MOVE 18, WHITE puts a closed 4 + three open 2's. And you can see the result.

    Of course, sometimes the situations vary. This is just a general rule.

    I found it not easy to discuss C6 tactics via this Forum without seeing graphs of game board. So, I use games on LG to illustrate the examples. Hope people won't mind.

  • KPT at 2006-10-21

    “i found it not easy to discuss C6 tactics via this Forum without seeing graphs of game board. So, I use games on LG to illustrate the examples. Hope people won't mind. "

    right! we need graphics

    hey..a player of LG

    i dont remember the name

    sendme a BOOK that he made.

    of GOMOKU with graphics.

    i did study

    because there is in italian but..its a good instrument.

    “and he did-NOT- feel “fear” to share his knowledge with me


    i was trying to say..sorry

  • Theo van der Storm at 2006-10-21

    We're getting some live in the brewery. Nice!

    Some thoughts gathered:


    Good to know that top players can have success with a blocking style, so a weaker player needn't be afraid to be a “blocker” and develop his style in either way.


    With strategy one serves long term goals, for which it is impractical to calculate through relevant variations.

    It shows in the form of positional play.

    You claim “feel” (intuition) plays an important role. For me that means Connect-6 is not a purely tactical game, but a strategy game, as I hoped.

    With tactics one serves short term goals, e.g. calculate through relevant variations to achieve winning patterns or “quiet” positions. Evidently tactics are very important.


    tactical patterns:

    You cannot afford to let your opponent make multiple open 2 threats (in an open position) if you don't have a 3 to gain a stone in your defence.

    Exactly which type of lead you cannot afford let your opponent make depends on the situation, but without a 3 you need to defend, if your opponent has the capability for multiple open 2 threats.

    What do you think of the following strategy:

    Play with a preference for the outside of the over-all position?

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