hex wiki Hex, Havannah

2 replies. Last post: 2004-02-09

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hex wiki
  • jjjklj at 2004-02-05

    what ever happened to it? i think i remember something was going to be done by christmas, did it fall through or is someone still working on it?

  • Alan Turing at 2004-02-09

    Good news: it already exists!

    But. Since I have not received very much feedback/ideas on the hex wiki mailing list lately, I have prioritized school and work for a while. The amount of work one is willing to put into something really shouldn't be proportional to people's enthusiasm, but in this case, it is.

    Anyhoo, here is the state of things today. We have developed a content management system which with minor modifications could be made to function like a wiki, and also display hex boards created from a simple text syntax. These two things take maybe a week to implement. We even have it out on the web, so I could give you the url and you could go look at it right now. However, there's not much point until I implement the two things above.

    As it happens, I'm a bit busy right now. I'm going to New Zealand in a quixotic quest for true love, or something. I plan to finish that in a month or so, and then I'll be able to put more effort into developing the wiki further.

    In the meantime, nothing would make me happier than the hexwiki mailing list discussions flaring up again. :) We need to discuss further the syntax of the board text system, for example.

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