Hex and other games in the University of Oviedo (Spain) Hex, Havannah

8 replies. Last post: 2003-10-27

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Hex and other games in the University of Oviedo (Spain)
  • Jose Maria Grau Ribas at 2003-10-13

    I am very surprised!! you have discovered our copy of moves in very few hours (and playing from two different identities).

    My purpose is to know and to compare the ideas of two very strong players: Bill LeBoeuf (90921) and Hipercube (91016). It is a formidable way of learning my students and me. The first moves will be copied but…, maybe later on, let us detect some error (that we won't copy) and we will win both games.

    In our game against David J. Bush (http://www.littlegolem.net/jsp/game/game.jsp?gid=91365), we won't copy.

    I invite you to all the players to say (grau@telecable.es) and to decide the best answer against the almost invincible Bush. I wait your opinion.


  • David J Bush ★ at 2003-10-13

    Why not explain the circumstances at the beginning?

    Too many cooks can spoil the broth…

  • Bill LeBoeuf ★ at 2003-10-13

    Well, if you want to watch Ypercube and me play a game, why not just watch one or review one of the many games we have, at any rate I am willing to continue to my comments on the game on forum heading Wiki on game 90921.

  • Kevin O'Gorman ★ at 2003-10-13

    Hmmmmm. And I had feared my comment that started this would

    be seen as offensive to the folks in Spain, and I really did

    not want to offend anyone.

    Anyway, now the situation is clear, and everyone can make

    informed choices how to proceed.

    ++ kevin

  • Jose Maria Grau Ribas at 2003-10-18


  • David J Bush ★ at 2003-10-18

    It looks nice, and thanks for posting this game! I hope I play well enough to merit such attention. If I may make a suggestion: Include a move list somewhere on that page, or maybe put a big move number next to each diagram. It may be confusing for a student to see me talk about move 5.H7 when H7 would be just the 4th token on the board. I am using the same move numbering as Little Golem, which counts “swap” as a move. It also might help to include your comments and questions as well, so the students can see what questions I am answering.

  • Bill LeBoeuf ★ at 2003-10-18

    Yes, my main criticism here is the continuation of Playsites notation counting swapping as “Move 2”, this does indeed mean that the second stone is “Move 3”. I hate this way of confusing the worlds most clear and elegant game.

  • Matemáticas y Juegos at 2003-10-27

    New web:


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