Poland Hex, Havannah

4 replies. Last post: 2003-07-16

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  • Bill LeBoeuf ★ at 2003-07-16

    I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the new Polish players at LittleGolem and to Leoni in particular who seems to be about to be our new Champion.

    Is Hex the national game of Poland or does Poland just have a great Hex site?

    Cheers, Bill

  • jjjklj at 2003-07-16

    the new real-time site where most people play these days is the polish website kurnik.pl, just click the english flag in the top right corner. many of the new players there have gotten very strong very quickly.

  • na_wspak at 2003-07-16

    hex has been at kurnik- most popular play site in Poland- since february and many of us has started to play there to check out a new game. now there are some players who played a lot since then and become strong great example is Leoni_das. what is interesting there was only a few poeple in Poland who knew about hex before it appeared at kurnik so this boom of polish hex players is because of play site.

  • dj at 2003-07-16

    Damn, we showed them all our tricks!

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