- prediction Reversi forum

5 replies. Last post: 2010-11-27

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  • quartastella at 2010-11-26

    I'm not sure what the procedure is to ask for a prediction from RoRoRo since this is my first time in a top championship, but I would appreciate if someone asks for it. Thank you.

  • kingofthebesI at 2010-11-26

    To get updates sent to you, use as the subject line:

    predict _tournament_ publish=message

    If you have permissions from Phil, then you can also ask it to be published to the forums using the syntax:

    predict _tournament_ publish=forum(_id_)

    where _tournament_ is the full tournament id, and _id_ is the topic identifier within the forum for the game in question.

    e.g. to get me to post predictions to Twixt championship 22 to forum this thread use:

    predict publish=forum(208)

    (I'm smart enough to know that twixt threads are in forum 55, so only need the topic id)


  • quartastella at 2010-11-27

    I'm sorry, I don't understand: I send a message to RoRoRo like the one below?

    predict _tournament_ publish=rev10.ch13.1.1

  • Aganju at 2010-11-27

    no, like this:

    predict rev10.ch13.1.1 publish=message

  • quartastella at 2010-11-27

    I'll try, tahnks.

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