New toroidal go commentary: “Divide and conquer (1): it lived too easily!” Go forum

3 replies. Last post: 2018-08-25

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New toroidal go commentary: “Divide and conquer (1): it lived too easily!”
  • Sighris at 2018-08-23

    Interesting (quote you/Malcolm): “In 11x11 toroidal Go, aiming to make eyes isn’t always easy, nor is it a good primary goal to aim at. One strategy can be to try to split the opponent into two eyeless groups and then aim at killing one of them…” --- Interesting game, your opponent, EastKnight1999 6.4 Dan, managed to get two eyes in one group and ONE reletively big (2x2) eye in the other group (which can not be divided into two eyes if the opponent responds correctly). Congrats on beating a highly skilled opponent Malcolm and thanks for sharing your knowledge and creating the T-Go player/editer.

  • Malcolm Schonfield at 2018-08-25

    Thanks! There are a number of other interesting games of mine I would like to share but I haven't found the time recently… Anyone else have some t-go games to recommend reviewing?

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