white discs invisible Morelli

26 replies. Last post: 2015-01-27

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white discs invisible
  • Ban Dumb Motorways at 2014-12-02

    no white discs shown

    maybe since login box was changed

  • Ban Dumb Motorways at 2014-12-02

    or more likely since the addition of “Mother Morelli” (31x31)

  • Carroll at 2014-12-02

    Same for me on Firefox, though it works on Chrome… Very weird problem, if I look on “Page Info/Media”, I see the http://littlegolem.net/images/go/Go_Stone_White.svg all right.

    Morelli without seing opponents pawns is really hard!

  • Ban Dumb Motorways at 2014-12-02

    firefox still no white discschrome okandroid ok

  • Carroll at 2014-12-06


  • vstjrt at 2014-12-07

    I have the same problem with Firefox and IE so I lost few vacation days, but it work on new Opera, however this should be corrected.

  • Carroll at 2014-12-08

    The chrome element inspection of a white stone square says:

    whereas the firefox same square  says:

    So is it a side-effect of this class alkcvuztlsnawqbtnbve?

    For a black stone it is for firefox:

  • Carroll at 2014-12-08

    Grrr pasting html…

    White stone, Chrome:

    White stone, FF:

    Black stone,FF:

  • Carroll at 2014-12-08

    Hum well anyway the difference is that for firefox, there is an added parameter: image class=“alkcvuztlsnawqbtnbve” x=“303” y=“243” width=“24” height=“24” xlink:href=“../../images/go/Go_Stone_White.svg”

  • Ban Dumb Motorways at 2014-12-09

    firefox using “view image” it will show a white go disk,  so maybe they have been overwritten with the board square, or they can not overwrite due to having a lower display ranking ! (not into html, so just guesses)

  • deanthebean at 2014-12-10

    Is there any news on this? All my Morelli games are stalled as I don't have a browser that sees the white disks.

  • William Fraser at 2014-12-10

    I just had an opponent resign (on move 3, I think).  This had better get fixed soon!  (It seems to work on Safari)

  • Carroll at 2014-12-11

    On bitbucket, Marek Malaschitz said:

    I committed the fix, need to be deployed on server.

  • deanthebean at 2014-12-11

    Many thanks for your efforts!

  • deanthebean at 2014-12-17

    I Still can't see the white stones.  :(

  • Richard Moxham at 2014-12-31

    (I've just been asked about this and didn't know the answer, so v grateful if someone can tell me.   Are Morelli white stones still invisible on some browsers, and if so which?  With special reference to Firefox, I believe.

    And while I'm at it, Richard tells me he'll aim to start the Morelli Championship on 03 Jan.

  • Tommah at 2014-12-31

    I'm on Firefox and I still can't see them.  I've been playing my Morelli games on my other computer, where I have Chrome installed.

  • Richard Moxham at 2014-12-31

    Thanks, Tommah.  Most helpful.

  • Carroll at 2015-01-15

    Bump!Has the fix of Marek being installed on the server?

  • Ban Dumb Motorways at 2015-01-24

    It's fixed just played a move using mozilla, see you in tournaments again

  • Carroll at 2015-01-26

    What is your release of FF please?

    For me on FF35.0 I still can not see the white disks…

  • ypercube at 2015-01-26

    @Carroll, did you refersh?

  • Carroll at 2015-01-27

    Yes ctrl+F5 and looking at Element inspection, I still have this class not present for Black Stones:


  • Carroll at 2015-01-27
  • Ban Dumb Motorways at 2015-01-27

    Firefox 12.0 on Windows XP SP3 1Gb in a public library (clean start ever time)

  • Carroll at 2015-01-27

    OK I found my problem. While investigating I accidentally put a filter on Add Block Plus addon (which I recommend if you want to have a clean internet in your browser).

    Thanks Richard and Marek for correcting this.

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