Want to join a new team? Einstein forum

7 replies. Last post: 2012-05-29

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Want to join a new team?
  • Dvd Avins at 2012-05-24

    Is there interest in a new team for the next EWN team tournament, (or should I seek to join an extant team)?

  • MRFvR at 2012-05-24

    You (or anyone, BTW) can join Sobral1919 if you want to. Before next tournament I'll exclude the players that timeouted all their games in this one.

  • Tommah at 2012-05-24

    I'm up for joining an EWN team. Whoever wants me, send me a join message :)

  • Tommah at 2012-05-24

    Thanks, Marius!

  • JJ10 at 2012-05-26

    i need to find a new team to play with also so if anyone wants me on there team let me know

  • Dvd Avins at 2012-05-28

    Yes, I'll join Sobral1919, if there's still room.

  • groeneveld at 2012-05-29

    shure there is

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