Outfielders shift rule question StreetSoccer

3 replies. Last post: 2003-10-02

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Outfielders shift rule question
  • Telestes at 2003-10-01

    Rule text:

    If the ball is in one of the 2 spaces in front of the goal, then outfielders may shoot the ball there, but after playing the ball you shift this player one space towards the opposite goal. If that space is occupied, then you shift one space to the nearest sideline.

    If this field is also occupied, where to shift then?

    What is the correct full shift sequence in the case of (2 or more) occupied shift destination fields?

  • FC Cwali at 2003-10-01

    That is the rule in the rulebook of the boardgame.

    But I saw in my matches here that Richard implemented it a little different if an outfielder kicked the ball if the ball was 'on' the goalline:

    Here that player shifts one space towards the opposite goal. If occupied, then that player shifts one space further towards the opposite goal. And so on. So the player 'jumps' over other players, and eventually over the ball too (I think, I didn't try that). In some extreme situations the player can make an extreme 'jump' in this way. :-)

    I want to make an update for the written rules on this site (eventually with example-pictures, like in the boardgame-rulebook), but I must prepare the release of other games this month, so that will be later.


    Corné (I made StreetSoccer)

  • Telestes at 2003-10-02

    Thanks corne!

    I personally prefer the original shift rule from the board game, but can live with the (easier to program) jump substitute.

    I hope you or Richard will have the time to clarify and complete the online rule text, especially the points which are different between the rulebook of the board game (I own it) and the rules played here (AKJ, spaces behind the goals, etc.).

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