a question about chinese chess General forum

6 replies. Last post: 2004-11-29

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a question about chinese chess
  • pitirre at 2004-11-26

    when a rook (or other piece) enter the area of the general, can the general captured the rook or there is special circumstances?

    by the way, i look around and there no other piece backing up the rook.

  • Nick Wedd at 2004-11-26

    A piece which is in the enemy palace can be captured according to the normal rules of movement.

    Are you thinking of a perticular position? Can you show it to us?

  • Tim Shih ★ at 2004-11-26

    If you show me a website address, I should be able to take a look and share my information with you. I played Chinese chess when I was 6, and continued to play till about 16 when the interest in Chinese chess was entirely replaced that in Go. :)

    btw, for those who are not familiar with Chinese chess, the most pronounced difference between chess and Chinese chess is that, in the latter, there are two cannons on each side. The cannon piece can only capture others by jumping over a piece (regardless of his own or his opponent's). This ability makes fortified castles (in chess) useless. :)

    But there are no queens in Chinese chess. In my opinion, queens' power is simply the combination of bishops' and rooks'. But cannons' power is completely different.

  • pitirre at 2004-11-26

    i dont know.

    i was playin right now; the 1rst game i place my rook near the general to see what happens and he captured it, then in my 2nd game (which i won very nicely, thank u very much)the opponent put his horse in the corner of my fort and when i tried to captured it…it was invalid.

    could it be that the general cannot take diagonally?

    the web is; www.clubxiangqi.com

    is very nice, hope to see u one of u there.

    and u are right; GO is the best!

  • ctz at 2004-11-28

    Of course, general cannot take (and even move) diagonally. There are also rules on that site - and moving of the king is the first one there. :)

  • pitirre at 2004-11-29

    that is why!!! hehehehehhe


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