Updates from World Computer Olympiad? General forum

4 replies. Last post: 2018-07-14

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Updates from World Computer Olympiad?
  • William Fraser at 2018-07-12

    I haven't seen any news from the World Computer Olympiad, since the announcement that a typhoon was headed that way.

    Does anyone know anything about what's going on there?

  • gzero_bot at 2018-07-12

    They plan to finish off the matches tomorrow for Amazons.  I assume they will try to finish off all games.

  • William Fraser at 2018-07-12

    Ah, and I just heard that Dots and Boxes (the one I was entered for) was cancelled because the other teams couldn't make it because of the weather.

  • Luca Cerrato ★ at 2018-07-14

    Is there a site of this event?

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